Literature Ireland

Call for Applications: Literary Translator-in-Residence in Galway, Ireland

University of Galway and Literature Ireland are delighted to announce the 2025 Translator Fellowship with the Emily Anderson Centre for Translation Research and Practice at the University of Galway, Ireland. The fellowship is a partnership between the University of Galway and Literature Ireland (the national agency for the promotion of Irish literature abroad, primarily in translation). 

The fellowship is aimed at literary translators who are working on the translation of a work of contemporary literature by an Irish author (in Irish or English) into any European language. The fellowship is of five weeks’ duration. It includes travel to Ireland, accommodation in Galway and a per diem. 

The Fellow enjoys access to the University’s library resources, a variety of facilities, interaction with academic staff, complementary participation in university events, and active engagement with the Emily Anderson Centre for Translation Research and Practice. All literary genres are eligible, with applications this year from translators with some track record in Children’s Literature and Young Adult particularly welcome.

Throughout their residency, the Fellow is expected to focus on their current literary translation project, actively participate in the Centre, and use the Centre as their primary work base. They will engage with the broader university community and participate in two to three public events organized by the Centre, such as the Cúirt International Festival of Literature (April 8-13, 2025). The Fellow will be invited to engage with post-graduate students completing their Masters theses in literary translation. At the conclusion of the residency, the Fellow will be invited to present their translation-in-progress at a public event hosted by the School of Languages, Literature and Cultures. 

Fellows are responsible for securing any necessary documents/visas for their stay in Ireland, as well as obtaining international health and travel insurance. 

To apply, please send the following proposal package addressed to Anne O’Connor, Director, Emily Anderson Centre, and Sinéad Mac Aodha, Director, Literature Ireland, at, before 6 PM (UTC) on Thursday January 30th.

A brief overview of the translation you will work on during the residency. This must be the translation of a work of contemporary Irish literature (in English or Irish) into any European language;

The residency is expected to start in Spring 2025 (5 weeks mutually agreed upon by the Fellow and the Centre in April and May). This is an opportunity for a translator to travel to Ireland and live and work in our beautiful, award-winning University campus in the creative city of Galway.

The Emily Anderson Centre for Translation Research and Practice is home to academics, researchers, practitioners and students active in translation in the University of Galway. Activities range across a wide range of languages, timeframes and modes of translation.

The College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies at University of Galway has a global research reputation across the spectrum of the Arts and Social Sciences. Exchange – of cultural values, experiences, knowledge – is at the heart of the College’s ethos and activities.

Literature Ireland is the national agency in Ireland for the promotion of Irish literature abroad, working to build an international awareness and appreciation of contemporary Irish literature, primarily in translation. 


Posted to on 13 Jan 2025.